Friday, August 7, 2015

Homemade Ice Packs

Have you ever needed to ice a sore muscle & grabbed an ice pack that just wasn't cutting it? Of course you have. Most of the time they're too bulky, too uncomfortable, or they just don't work for where you need to ice. Or maybe sometimes your ice pack also doubles as your heating pad & you need relief now, not in 3 hours from now. 

The good news is that if you have zippered storage bags (any size will do depending on how big you want them to be), dish soap & a freezer, then you can make your own ice packs!

The best part about these Homemade Ice Packs, is that as the dish soap thaws, the bag will form to where you need it!

Homemade Ice Packs

• zippered storage bags of any size
• dish soap

- Pour desired amount of dish soap into storage bags & freeze until firm. 
- Reuse again & again, storing in freezer between uses. 


  1. Yup, my husband makes these all the time. The only thing is, when they thaw out, they get a little moist on the outside.

  2. Never in my life have I heard of this before. Dish soap?! Who knew? Will be trying.

  3. These are a great idea! I need to make some and keep them in my freezer at all times! So fabulous! - Jeanine

  4. This is such a great idea. I have know idea you could use dish soap to make an ice pack.

  5. Cool idea. I've not heard of this way before. I'll try it out!

  6. What a wonderful idea Ice pack with dish soap oh clever.

  7. This will really come in handy! I had no idea it was this simple to make your own ice packs!

  8. This is such a good idea. We've needed ice packs at times and I wish I'd known to make them like this!

  9. This was a great idea. i need this to keep in our freezer all time so awesome. i have never heard this before thank you for sharing the idea

  10. Thanks for letting me know about this. I always buy those gel filled hot/cold packs but they get brittle and break easily. This is a cheaper way to make your own ice packs.

  11. These are such smart ideas! I am constantly having leg pains, and buying ice packs can be so expensive.

  12. This is really a great idea and they would really conform to wherever you need them to go easily. DIY ice packs! I will have to make some up to have on hand.

  13. I had no idea you can use dish soap to make ice packs. I need to try this.

  14. This is so great to know. I love a good money saving DIY. This is also great with a little one running around.

  15. What a brilliant idea. This will help me save a lot of money from buying ice packs.

  16. This is such a great way to make ice packs. I am going to make a few for my freezer.

  17. Omg now this takes me back!!! When I was I high school I was a competition cheerleader and I would make these daily after practice!

  18. I need to make a bunch of these. When you have kids you always need an ice pack at some point.

  19. This is a great idea for making ice packs. I can even make these to take to my son's basketball games for when the kids get hurt.

  20. Wow, that's a fab idea! Will definitely give it a go! X

  21. That's very interesting and a great idea! I've never even knew we can use dish soup. I'm gonna try this!

  22. We do the ice in the ziploc bag routine. I never knew about using dish soap. Cool idea, I will have to try it out.

  23. I could use some homemade ice packs right now. I have a killer back ache and I think it would help to use these on it.
